Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Message to the Depressed.

He Found My Words

After I watched this I couldn't find the words to express how it made me feel. I was stuck-literally-until I realized that the words that I wanted became clear.

It became clear to me, dearest reader, that all I've ever wanted was not the words to use but the words to hear-exactly what he says he should have said to his friend.

I've never been able to articulate what he says. I feel so small and weak just thinking about it. It triggers me. But it's dead-on. The only thing I can think to add for me is regarding the constant pain, like now. My arms feel like wet spaghetti, fingers feel like stone. Legs are cramping like crazy, right shoulder/joint, neck shoulder blade have dull to sharp aches. My hips feel like they are on marbles. i am doing the one-handed hunt and peck cause my other hand is one my swelling headache.

One of my professors/now peers has known my history and just read my blog this week. He is one of many who ask me how I get through all the things I have, how I have survived. My answer is simple-because I must.

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